A Eucharistic Prayer 

O God most high, creator of all life and all beauty,
You have entered our lives by giving us life, and
You have gifted us with the story of your presence.
We have our being in this western life,
Drawing deep breaths of story from your eastern coming.

Doing your father’s will,
In that Jerusalem Passover Cenacle
Reclining at supper with your disciples, and
Blessing the bread of your body
You pronounced it your body.
Breaking it you shared it round the table.
After supper, taking the cup of wine,
You pronounced it your blood, and
Announcing a new and eternal covenant,
You shared it round the table. 

Ever since that Passover evening
We have told and retold the story,
Adding and shading pieces and parts,
Striving to grasp the magnitude of your gift.  

Help us today to celebrate your Eucharistic mystery.
Help us to today to celebrate your presence in our world.
Help us to today to become your body and your blood. 


February, 2006