Friday, March 8, 2005
Photography by Jim Bolner, Sr.
Location:  Lake Martin, St. Martin Parish, LA
Camera: Canon PowerShot S1 IS; Image enhancement software: Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9.01
Please scroll down to see the images.
Click here to see more of my nature photography.  

 Great Egret
 Cattle Egret (?) and Chicks
  Great Egret
 Great Egret with Baby Egrets
 Cattle Egret (?) and Chicks
 Cattle Egret (?) and Chicks
 Cattle Egret (?) and Chicks
 Cattle Egret (?) and Chicks
 Cattle Egret (?) and Chicks
Great Egret
Great Egret (note the eggs)
Great Egret (note the eggs)
Great Egret
jimbolnersr @