The Great Christmas Tsunami

Deep in the sea
The earth breaks open,
Causing water to rage
Upon the sea's many shores.

Earth and sea are ignorant.
They are robots,
Primed by God's indifferent hand.

God says: turn, and earth turns,
And to the sea: wash upon the shore,
And sea washes, but

The great indifferent God,
Who has charge of so many galaxies, and
So many worlds, and
So many flowers, and
So many human and perhaps angelic souls, and
So many cosmic gyrations--

To this, his creature's mind,
Appears to treat his stars and
His earth's great tremblings, and
His waters' great waves, and
His grains of sand, and
His human children
With the same divine indifference.


January 2, 2005
James Bolner, Sr. 
©2005 James Bolner, Sr.