A Prayer for Fortitude

O holy God,
Each of your mornings is unique.
Your earth turns each day into new time and new space.
On this, your unique gift of this January morning--
Which even your laws may not permit you to give again--
We, humble and perplexed people,
Once more gather to ponder your universe, and
To ask you to teach us to pray.

We plan to weigh your high legends preserved
In ancient books. 
We will recite the prayers welding those stories
Into our very past. 
We will plumb your mysteries
Told in conversations between you and Moses
Between you and Jonah,
Between you and Isaiah,
Between you and David.

Give us a proper spirit with which to approach these, your stories,
Give us—as we face our own personal obstacles—
The strength to endure with courage
The  pain and adversity facing us.


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