Family Recordings
by Ralph and Johnny Mouton - 1958.
The recordings were made in Bodoc, LA, and in Lafayette, LA.
As several of the comments reveal, they were intended for Ollie, who was in the U.S. Navy. 

Recordings Made in Bodoc
Grandma Bolner (Almeda Firmin Bolner)
Uncle Rushian Bordelon
Tante 'Ta (Anita Firmin Bordelon)
Tante Nan (Alice Firmin Saucier)
Lorraine Mayeaux Ducote
Marraine (Aline Firmin Mayeaux)
Uncle Gee (Elgee Bolnar)
Eraste Mayeaux
Tante Elday (Elday Mayeaux Bolnar)
Steve Bordelon
Rosemary Bordelon
Ring (Earl Bolnar)
Theresa (Ring's Wife)
Tante 'La (Ella Bolner Bordelon)

Irvin "Dad" Bordelon

Recordings Made in Lafayette
Kelsie Bolner
Lillian Chiasson Bolner
Lillian's Mother (Evia Babineaux Chiasson)
Cathy and Susan Bolner
Zulie Bolner Luke
 Herbert Luke

Recordings of Amy's Relatives' Message to Ollie - Made in Lafayette

Frank Butcher
Aunt Butcher

jimbolnersr @