The Dragonfly of July 16, 2002
[A Work in Progress]
Early in the morning
I had passed the day’s several daylily blooms
From camera to computer to Internet.
They were secure, like dried flowers,
Between the leaves of my day’s book.Afternoon now,
Daylilies more inclined toward their sun-god,
I started out in all modesty,
To gather the augmented blooms
Between new leaves of my amended day’s book. And,
Striving to enter into the moment’s spirit,
Working myself into a proper state of mind and soul--
Praying for strength, humility, and grace--
I moved toward the first daylily.A dragonfly, lightly blue, quite large,
Posed itself on the daylily’s stake.It stayed.
By stealthy steps I inched closer.I clicked away.
It flew away.Filled with thanks for the gift of these images,
Bound to warm my winters,
I bowed before the first daylily.Now the sprite of gracefulness, the God-sent dragonfly,
Returned.It posed again on the same stalk,
Blessing me with its other side.I clicked away.
It flew away.
—James Bolner, Sr.
Baton Rouge, July, 2002