The American Presidency
Spring, 2021

I. The Presidency in the Constitution
--The Framers’ experience with monarchy and governors
I. Establishing the Presidency
--The Framers’ experience with monarchy and governors
--The Articles of Confederation
--The Constitutional Convention
--The Cabinet
--The Formative Years: Washington, Adams, and the Virginia dynasty

II. Electing and Removing the President
--The Electoral College
--The Framers’ world meets “democracy”
--The experience with the College
--The impeachment power
--The President as party leader

 III. The President as Commander in Chief
--Civilian supremacy
--The President and the military

IV. The President and Congress
--The President and the legislative process
--Proposing legislation
--The veto power and “signing statements”
--Presidential nominations and confirmations
--The Presidential duty and power to execute the laws
--The White House

V. The Growth of Presidential Power
--The delegation of legislative power
--Executive Orders

VI. The Future of the Presidency
--Institutional norms surrounding the office of the Presidential
-Can the Presidency survive Trum
--Assessing the damage
--Pondering repair proposals


N.B.: Additional resources on the Internet can be found on the webpage for a course on the Presidency which I offered in 2017.

The Federal Register Prepares for Electoral College Duties

The Founders Online -from the National Archives

The Presidency -from the University of Virginia Miller Center

The American Presidency Project -from the University of California at Santa

The American Presidency: A Glorious Burden -from the Smithsonian Institution

The Federalist Papers -On the Executive (Numbers 61-70)

The Federalist Papers -On the Executive (Numbers 71-77)

Signing Statements” -from the Library of Congress

The Role of the General Services Administration in Presidential Transitions

The Presidency” -from the University of Virginia Miller Center

Presidential Libraries -from the National Archivess

Ranked-Choice Voting in the United States

Ray v. Blair (1952) -State can require presidential elector to pledge to support the national party candidates

Chiafalo v. Washington (2020) -State can penalize “faithless elector”

Youngstown Sheet & Tube v. Sawyer (1952) -The Steel Seizure Case

Amending the Electoral College: the 12th Amendment -from the National Archives

The Electoral College -from the National Association of State Legislatures

The Electoral College - from Justia

Legal Provisions Relating to the Electoral College -from the National Archives

U. S. Presidents
-from the University of Virginia Miller Center

“Executive Power” -from the Cornell Legal Information Institute

Trump's January 6, 2021, "Save America Speech" 

Jared P. Cole and Todd Garvey, "The Impeachment and Trial of a Former President --from the Congressional Research Service (January 15, 2021)