The Terror Reigns: Its Suddenness

First Voice: (feminine, rather full, sounding calm but bitter)

In each red heart, tenderest of creations, pulsing ever
  or ever dead--
A secret terror reigns: 
It is the fear of the iron thing
 falling suddenly upon us.
The fear of the dead rat, tail curled in mischief,
 falling suddenly upon us.
The fear of the sophomore's bucket of shit, well seasoned with  
 Tabasco in the dormitory afternoon,
 falling suddenly upon us.

Second Voice: (masculine, brave, sounding full of shit)

You learned observers, disciples of Tycho Brahe and his
  syphilitic friends; or, you others, followers of Descartes and his devotees,
  their cuffs well sutured with frilly buttons 
  of no ultimate consequence,
Will have detected that it is the element of 
Which is the key.  
It is not death's size, nor its bite, nor its welcome smell, 
  nor its lack of rhyme,
Which leads it to carry away the ultimate prize.

It is the sharp and acrid way it ruins the moment.

Baton Rouge
May 20, 1993