After Mowing
After mowing I am complete.

I shower and have a drink.
I think of the smooth curve of the cut grass.
I think of how it will meet the fading
Of this hot afternoon.
I think of how it will meet dusk and twilight, and
How it will face the rising stars,
Which will show themselves in the east without modesty
And without stopping.
The stars will pass over in quiet, sending
Their tender light upon the sweet, severed blades.
After mowing,
I think of how the shaven grass will face the timeless moon, which
Tonight starts its decline.
I think of how
This grass and this starlight and this moon will meet, and
How their meeting,
In a way which could interest only our common Creator,
Wil be connected to me, and
To this working, showering, and reflection.

Jim Bolner, Sr
July 21, 2000