I lie here watching the receding afternoon's shadow dragging upon the cheap and chequered tile floor. In this nursing home there are only receding shadows and I share their life. In this scrubbed and shrubbed nursing home for priests who have lost their calling, or Whose lives have been sucked dry by too many years of celibacy. Celibacy, after all, is the culprit: horny celibacy full of lies, full of the Ladies Altar Society's meetings, full of the Altar Boys' meetings. It has its life in unreadable Roman documents which ache with age in their Roman vaults. I knew celibacy at first hand (as others say of legislative evil). I knew afternoons of lusting for the knowledge of the tree of good and evil. I would have settled for evil. And the immense black guilt which followed my private sessions. I knew pain when I knelt before the sacrament and signed myself with that sign. The Sundays were easiest: The older men and I knew even without beckoning that we were partners in fraud. I could say the grossest heresies and know that I would get the same $73.34 in the collection. It is the country celibacy, involving and encompassing the full amplitude of sin, which was the worse. When the ample curve of the apron of the country maid, would push me to my meager limits. James Bolner, Sr. Baton Rouge June 10, 1993
Copyright ©1997 James Bolner, Sr.