The Beatitudes


Blessed are the young,

For they shall be filled with passion, desire, and longing.


Blessed are the young (again),

For their youth shall soon be a rich memory.


Blessed are the old,

For they shall live to see shadows creep on the nursing home floor.


Blessed are the poor,

For they shall always be nourished by faith and hope.

Blessed are the poor (again),

For they shall be forgiven and pardoned,

For desiring and longing to take what belongs to the rich.

Blessed are the rich,

For they shall inherit the shroud.

Blessed are those who question,

For their questions shall be answered, but

Their answers shall lead to further questions.

Blessed are they who do not question,

For they shall find comfort in their ignorance.


Blessed are the old,

For they shall try to remember their youth, and

Passion, desire, and longing.


Blessed are the satisfied and joyful,

For they are rare and truly deserve our blessing.



Jim Bolner, Sr.

August 12, 2011