JustFaith - JustMatters - Fall, 2012

About JustFaith Ministries
Participants' Materials
Facilitators' Materials
Evaluation Materials Online
Take Action - "Attachment B"
Atlas Foundation - Baton Rouge
JustFaith - JustMatters - St. Frances and the
Ministries, Programs, JustMatters, Modules: Living Solidarity
- Council
on American-Islamic Relations
Islam - From
Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life - Global
Islam 101
Association of Sufism
Doug Saunders,
"Debunking the Myth of the Muslim Tide"
- Audio - Fresh Air -
September 19, 2012. [Click
here to go to the Fresh Air website.]
Islam at a Glance - BBC
- Christianity at a
Glance - BBC
The Third Jihad -
The Third Jihad: Internet
Movie Database
Obsession - The Movie
Eastern Churches - Wikipedia - June, 2013
Letter to Commentator
- September 14, 2013
Cathy Compton, St.
Francis of Assissi's Meeting with Sultan Malik al-Kamil
and Interreligious Dialogue in the 21st Century
jibolnersr @ cox.net