Bodoc and Lafayette Recordings - 1958

These recordings were made by Johnny and Ralph Mouton (Ollie's sons) in Bodoc (Avoyelles Parish) and in Lafayette, LA.
 The speakers, relatives and friends, were asked to say a few words to Ollie, who was in the navy at the time and stationed in Virginia. 
 The recording device used was a Wilson-Gay recorder Ralph and Johnny and a friend enjoying the tape recorder.
               Recorded in Bodoc
 Tante Elday -Wife of Elgee Bolner, mother of Earl "Ring" Bolner

Steve -Steve Bordelon, husband of Rosemary Bordelon
Rosemary -Daughter of Anita Firmin Bordelon and Rushian Bordelon - Anita was Almeda's sister
Ring - Earl Bolner, son of Elgee Bolner, brother of Albert Bolner
Ring's Wife -Ellen, wife of Earl Bolner
Tante La -Ella Bolner Bordelon, sister of Albert Bolner
Unknown Relative -Unknown, but probably Irvin Bordelon, son of Ella Bolner Bordelon and George Bordelon

                Recorded in Lafayette, LA

Frank Butcher -Relative of Lillian Bolner
Aunt Butcher -Wife of Frank Butcher
Kelsie -Son of Almeda Firmin Bolner and Albert Bolner
Lillian -Lillian Chaisson Bolner, wife of Kelsie Bolner
Cathy and Susan -Daughters of Kelsie and Lillian
Lillian's Mother -Mother of Lillian Chaisson Bolner, wife of Pierre Chaisson
Grandma Bolner -Almeda Firmin Bolner, wife of Albert Bolner and mother of Kelsie Bolner
Zulie -Daughter of Almeda Firmin Bolner and wife of Herbert Luke
Herbert -Husband of Zulie Bolner
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